
The specialist of small precision motors - ORIENTAL MOTOR (INDIA) > Q&A > Stepping Motors Qn 22: I wanted to use the MEXE02 data software. However I am not too technically inclined with this software. Are there any samples available for my AR series built-in type driver?
Stepping Motors:I wanted to use the MEXE02 data software. However I am not too technically inclined with this software. Are there any samples available for my AR series built-in type driver?
Question 22: I want to use the MEXE02 Data Software. However I am not too technically inclined with this software. Are there any samples available for my AR series built-in type driver?

Answer : There are some sample programs available for download on our website. Do click here to be directed to the download page. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the below URl to direct access it.

These sample programs have already been written to demonstrate the capabilities available for our AZ/AR closed loop series drivers, you can even directly modify these files to your own desired operations if it is something you would like to use.

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